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The Shoot I’ve Waited a Year to Show You!!!!

FINALLY! I love styled shoots just as much as the next person, but when it takes a year for them to be published I start to get a little stir crazy. Here are a few images from that shoot! with the other vendors included below! Photography: @rachelmayphoto | Creative Direction: @lindahaevents | Venue: @agecrofthallgardens | Calligraphy: @paulaleecalligraphy | Florals: @whimsicalfloral …

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Baby Girl Painting

Here is one of my most recent commissions for a little girl who is going to be born any day now! This piece is 28″x28″ and is inspired by my Over Black Series! Enjoy! and HAPPY ALMOST BIRTHDAY BABY GIRL! For scale For detail  For lighting For dimension!

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Hello 2017!

Hi friends! I know my look back might be a few weeks late as we are already almost to the end of January, but this is the first week that I’ve felt back in the groove of things. Here’s a quick recap of what went on in 2016 and what I’m looking forward to in 2017! I made more commissions …

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First CEO Workshop

I never wanted to do a workshop because I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to fill it. You blew me away with filling out my small workshop in less than 24 hours and I received a ton of emails from those of you who didn’t get a seat asking to be added to the next workshop’s early bird list. You guys blew me away and reminded me of why I love what I do. Thank you!

Spring Flowers in Winter?

I think people have been painting flowers for so long to preserve and add beauty to the world, to save something that is delicate and precious.

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On Client Interactions

I love painting because it’s a form a meditation, of God glorification, and peaceful perfection. As much as I love the act of painting and creating colors and feeling textures the most fulfilling part of my job is client interactions. Here is a recent client interaction that made my heart warm and I thought you might enjoy it too. I …

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When West Elm Started Selling My Art

It’s funny when you think about selling artwork in a major chain; you’d think the moment would be full of celebration, cheers, and excitement! Mine was not. See… I had no idea West Elm has been selling my artwork for the past 6 months. Here is how I found out, and what I learned about contracting with big companies. I received …

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Studio Updates

Here’s a fresh recap of all of the recent goings on at the studio! First update is that I only have five custom commission slots left before Christmas. Meaning that if you were hoping to order a custom commission piece and have it ready and delivered before the holidays, you need to put your order in now and there are only …

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How to Wire a Canvas

Do you have some art that just hasn’t made it to the wall? or are you an artist and have been sending your pieces out to be stretched and wired? Stretching and wiring a canvas are both easy things that can be done from your studio space. This week I will cover wiring. Next week I will cover stretching a …

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Full Time Dream Documentary

Wouldn’t it be nice if you got paid to do what you love? What if you could live out your dream every day, even if it was scary? That’s all that these other entrepreneurs and I are trying to do. Johnny Dubbaneh and Aaron Tucker made this short documentary “Full Time Dream” featuring me and other artisans who are on …