It’s really too bad I’m not a business coach because I’m hosting my very first #CEOworkshop on February 24. Maybe in another life. But you guys are such bosses already (haha get it?) that no coaching was required to get you jazzed about this workshop.
When I announced my first workshop at The Lemon Bowl. I expected that I’d have to do marketing, ask you guys to sign up, and try really hard to fill 12 seats. I never wanted to do a workshop because I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to fill it. You blew me away with filling out my small workshop in less than 24 hours and I received a ton of emails from those of you who didn’t get a seat asking to be added to the next workshop’s early bird list. You guys blew me away and reminded me of why I love what I do. Thank you!
Here is why I am excited about this workshop and future workshops! First of all, because 12 of you bosses will be there. 12 of you encouraging, fun, inspirational, beauty seeking bosses will be there to have a party with me.
Second, we get to drink wine, eat snacks, enjoy each other’s company and create for two whole hours!
Third, I get to share my life’s passion with you in an intimate setting. That passion is to bring beauty into your life and hopefully be able to help you see, create, and pursue beauty in your daily life, hour by hour.
If you didn’t get the chance to join this workshop, I plan on expanding registration for my next one at a different venue to be able to accommodate more people. If you’d like to get an early bird shout out so you don’t miss out on the next workshop, sign up for my email list on my home page, or send me an email to let me know you want in and you’ll get to sign up for the next workshop before everyone else!
Love to hear more about the workshop content and scope