Hi friends! I know my look back might be a few weeks late as we are already almost to the end of January, but this is the first week that I’ve felt back in the groove of things. Here’s a quick recap of what went on in 2016 and what I’m looking forward to in 2017!
I made more commissions than I thought possible, which means, I probably need to make more collection pieces.
I met so many incredible creatives and friendors (friend/vendors) in 2016, to all of you cool people who know who you are! Thanks! I can’t wait to get to know all of you better and work with you!
I’ve built a network of artists that has been encouraging and inspirational! Thank you ladies! <3
My artwork has been sold through West Elm since August and people around the world have sent me snapshots of their West Elm print. I’m so humbled by the kindness and outpouring of love from people all over the world. This was an unexpected blessing that art gave me, when I was merely trying to bless and encourage others through my work, God turned it on its head and blessed me in return.
Joel and I got to take several fun trips! I even got to meet and collaborate with creatives across the country!
The biggest thing that happened in 2016 that comes to mind is also the thing that has taken up most of my time lately. We bought a house a moved about 40 miles west of D.C. This was a big change, a scary move, and a new life. We moved on December 16, 2016 which was followed by visiting guests over Christmas, parties and get togethers all through the New Year and lots of home improvement projects thrown in for good measure. The end of this year left me feeling rushed, scattered, messy, and a little anxious. The dust has settled a little bit (figuratively and literally, I need to clean the house) and Joel and I are finally getting into a routine.
I feel so blessed when I look back at 2016! This year was better than I could have imagined. I’m sure I’m missing some big milestones and blessings, but those are the ones that came to mind! I’m finally setting my 2017 goals, and am so excited to be on this journey with you. Cheers to 2017!
Here are some more opportunities I’m looking for in 2017, that maybe we can collaborate! Shoot me an email if you want to work together:
- More gallery shows
- More guest blogging
- More speaking engagements
- More workshops
- More product collaborations similar to my collaborations with West Elm, Lux Bindery, or Schmutz Watches