A Little More
I made this series while in residence at Chateau Orquevaux in France. To see some behind the scenes of this residency experience, click here. This is the story behind the works I made there.
I called this series “A Little More.” This series lives in conversation with my 2020 series “There Will Be More”. You see, I was supposed to attend the Chateau Orquevaux residency in 2020. However, due the global coronavirus pandemic, my residency was postponed several times before the date of May 2022 finally came to fruition–when U.S. citizens were allowed back in France.
When I made the series “There Will Be More” all of the pieces were meditations that there will be more good things in future despite the pain we were collectively feeling 2020. To read about that series, click here. I made the series “A Little More” to be in conversation with “There Will Be More”. This series is a keeping of my promises, showing you some of the good things we have.
Some of the works in this series got darker than I intended, I wanted it to be more hopeful, yet somehow I think it is appropriate, given all we’ve lost in the last two years. I myself lost family members to Covid. I know we all lost so many things.
Though the predominant colors in the series “There Will Be More” were purples and golds, I knew I wanted these works to be blue and gold. Here are the blue symbols I was leaning into when creating these works. Blue is a symbol of hope, of blue skies, of smooth sailing.
Blue is also my mother’s favorite color. One big reason I wanted to attend the residency at Orquevaux is because the family heritage I feel closest to is my mother’s French heritage. My matriarchal line of women was strong, French, immigrant woman who were artistic and inspiring businesswoman. My great-great grandmother, immigrated from France with her parents and thirteen siblings. Though she had several children she was single most of her life. She owned multiple businesses, took care of her family, raised my own grandmother and is an aspiration woman in my line. She taught her cooking methods to my great-grandmother, who taught it to my mother who – in turn – taught me to cook as well in the family country French techniques.
The family stories told the most often in my house growing up were about my French ancestors. The farms they had, the clothes they sewed, the meals they cooked, the businesses they owned, the resilience, strength, and business savvy of the women that came before me. These were the stories I heard most often. These stories were about the women.
An homage to the strong matriarchal line of French women before me, I chose my mother’s favorite color, blue. A stereotypical “French blue” but one that I’m proud to display in these works. I’m honored to have made these works in France, the land where some of family came from.
The signature piece of this collection is “A Little More Time”. After polling my Instagram followers and asking my collectors, “if you could have a little more of anything, what would it be?” The resounding answer I heard more than any other was “time.” So here is to a little more time – with loved ones, a little more time to grow, change, take in a breath of fresh air. Here’s to having….a little more. To inquire about any of these works please email [email protected]