I think we can all agree that 2020 has had enough tricks for one year, so I’m here to dole out some treats… ok maybe there is a little trick too. I’m hosting a little trick or treat game giveaway.
A few weeks ago I polled you guys in my Instagram stories asking for your “Unpopular Art Opinions” I loved hearing your thoughts. Some of your opinions were funny, some were confounding to me. Some I disagreed with. Some I don’t think were unpopular at all. All of them were good food for thought. Some people landed in my DMs offended and angry that I would even repost some of the opinions. I was simply reposting other people’s opinions, none of them were my own.
I received over 95 unpopular art opinions in 24 hours in my Instagram Story. I don’t believe in making stories longer than 20 slides, so I didn’t get the chance to repost them all, but I did read them all. From the ones I decided to post on my stories, I sketched my interpretation of 16 of your opinions. So here is the trick and the treat game. If I decided to draw your Unpopular Art Opinion, you get to have it for free (well… for the price of shipping, $10) The TRICK is that anyone is able to steal any of these opinions, but it will cost $60 (this includes U.S. domestic Shipping). If a piece has already been claimed by the opinion holder, it cannot be stolen.
Tis the season for opinions and politics. What could be more TERRIFYING and sP0OkY than OTHER PEOPLE’S OPINIONS?!? During election season I am especially reminded of this. I’m asking you to be willing to listen to the unpopular opinions of others (art opinions or otherwise). I’m asking you to have a real conversation with your neighbor about their beliefs, let’s get to the “why?” Can we listen with the intent to understand, not with the intent to respond? Let’s play Trick or Treat!

“You Dropped Something” 9″x12″

“America” 9″x12″

“Relentless Obsession” 9″x12″

“Mona Meh” 9″x12″

“Lisa’s Louvre” 9″x12″

“Saint Koons” 9″x12″

“What A Prince” 9″x12″

“Like Why?” 9″x12″

“That’s Bananas” 9″x12″

“All Art Has Value” 9″x12″

“Something Else” 9″x12″

“Cancel Picasso” 9″x12″

“Can you interpret this?” 9″x12″

“Great 2020 Art” 9″x12″

“Mute Me” 9″x12″

“Extreme Art” 9″x12″
These pieces are made in a playful spirit. They are not what I would even call a “collection” these are sketches I did on the fly because I enjoyed your unpopular opinions so much. They will not be made into limited edition prints. They are one of a kind sketches. If you like any of them, feel free to share them with credit. Happy Trick or Treating my boos!