
Three Roses Mini Series

The three burnt roses mini-series was inspired after doing garden work. My husband and I bought a little house in December. It really wasn’t till the spring that we realize how much needed to be done on our little half acre of land. We have over 26 trees on this half acre most of which are dead, or are in danger of falling on the house. At least sixteen of them had to come down.


My husband has been heading up this effort as I’m not nearly as skilled with a chainsaw (you’re shocked I know). After cutting down many of the dead trees, we have a lot of wood and garden scrap to burn. There leaves and wood chips flying! We even saved the lives of two baby squirrels after chopping down their home. Luckily momma squirrel came back and saved us from having to bottle feed and raise these two babies. I digress.


My mission in life is to find beauty in everyday life. I was to find the beauty every day, capture it, share it and hopefully bring beauty into your life just by sharing it. Gardens are almost always a gorgeous source of inspiration. But can the pain of pruning, cutting, and even burning the brush be inspirational? I think pain, growth, and change can be beautiful. I think a flower is beautiful in bloom, but also in death because the memory of its softness and smell lingers. The inspiration for these pieces. Tell me in the comments below what ordinary thing you found beauty in today!

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